

This theme is part of the themata collection.

Setting up and using the garri theme.

Install the themata package from python index.

pip install themata

or equivalent (add themata to any appropriate requirements files).


Below is a minimal sample file to use the garri theme.

import os
import themata

project = 'Garri Doc'
copyright = '2020, Adewale Azeez'
author = 'Adewale Azeez'

html_favicon = 'favicon.png'
html_theme = 'garri'

html_theme_optionss = {
    'project_icon': 'favicon.png'

Theme Options

The following theme options are accepted in the theme.

Variable Options

Option <Datatype> Description
project_icon <string> The abolute or relative (to _static folder) path to the image to use as the theme icon. This is not the same as favicon. If the favicon is set using the variable html_favicon and the project_icon is not set. The project_icon value will be the value of the favicon.
toc_title <string> The title of the main toc of the documentation the default is ‘Browse’
index_is_single <boolean> This option is to indicate if any index page does not have sidebars. It is True by default which means any index page will not have any sidebar. To add sidebars to index pages set the value to False in html_theme_optionss.
sidebar_position <string> The position to render the sidebar either left or right. It is left by default. If the value of has_sidebar is set to False no sidebar is rendered.
has_sidebar <boolean> This option is used to determine whether to show the sidebar or not, the default is True.
no_sidebar <list>

An array list of pages name to have no sidebar. Any pagename added to this array will have no sidebar regardless of other sidebar options. E.g.

html_theme_options = {
    'no_sidebar': [

The name of the page must be relative to the index project root folder. Another way to make a page have no sidebar is to add the extension .single to it file name e.g. test.single.rst

source_root <string> The full link to the web root folder where the source of the documentation source is e.g. the documentation github repo
source_root_edit_text <string> The text to show on the button that link to the page source in a repository. The default is ‘Edit this page
metadata <object>

Set the metadata values of the generated website. The object should contain any, more or all of the keys, enable, url, type, title, description, image, keywords, author. E.g.

html_theme_options = {
    'metadata': {
        'dynamic': True,
        'url': '',
        'type': 'website',
        'title': 'Set of Highly customizable sphinx themes.',
        'description': 'Themata package contains different sphinx theme that can be easily customized to look like a complete website or just a documentation webpage.',
        'image': '',
        'keywords': 'python, sphinx, thecarisma, themata, documentation, markdown, rst, themes',
        'author': 'Adewale Azeez'

The result of the theme option above is

<meta name='description' content='Themata package contains different sphinx theme that can be easily customized to look like a complete website or just a documentation webpage.'>
<meta name='keywords' content='python, sphinx, thecarisma, themata, documentation, markdown, rst, themes'>
<meta name='author' content='Adewale Azeez'>
<meta property='og:url' content='' />
<meta property='og:type' content='website' />
<meta property='og:title' content='Set of Highly customizable sphinx themes.' />
<meta property='og:description' content='Themata package contains different sphinx theme that can be easily customized to look like a complete website or just a documentation webpage.' />
<meta property='og:image' content='' />

If the value of dynamic is True the page content will be used to generate some of the metadata, but it still better to add the meta data in the file for fallback values example for author, and keywords meta values.

twitter_metadata <object>

Set the twitter metadata values of the generated website. The object should contain any, more or all of the keys, enable, card, site, creator, title, description, image. E.g.

html_theme_options = {
    'twitter_metadata': {
        'dynamic': True,
        'card': 'summary',
        'site': '@iamthecarisma',
        'creator': '@iamthecarisma',
        'title': 'Set of Highly customizable sphinx themes.',
        'description': 'Themata package contains different sphinx theme that can be easily customized to look like a complete website or just a documentation webpage.',
        'image': '',

The result of the theme option above is

<meta name='twitter:card' content='summary' />
<meta name='twitter:site' content='@iamthecarisma' />
<meta name='twitter:creator' content='@iamthecarisma' />
<meta name='twitter:title' content='Set of Highly customizable sphinx themes.' />
<meta name='twitter:description' content='Themata package contains different sphinx theme that can be easily customized to look like a complete website or just a documentation webpage.' />
<meta name='twitter:image' content='' />

If the value of dynamic is True the page content will be used to generate some of the metadata, but it still better to add the meta data in the file for fallback values example for twitter:site, and twitter:creator meta values.

syntax_highlighter <string> The syntax higlighting provider to use for the generated documentation, the following syntax highlighters are supported ace highlightjs rainbow prism Google Prettify syntaxhighlighterjs microlight syntaxyjs. If syntax_highlighter is not specified the default sphinx highlighter is used.
code_block_editable <boolean> Specify whether the code block is editable. This only apply to syntax highlighter that support editing the source code e.g. ace. Default is false.
syntax_highlighter_theme <string> Set the theme your selected syntax highlighter should use. Default value depends on the specified value of syntax_highlighter. The value can be absolute http url to the highlighter theme css e.g. syntax_highlighter_theme: ‘’. Visit each of the syntax highlighter page to see their themes
syntax_highlighter_iframe_embed <boolean> Specify whether the code block should be render in an iframe element. This is most useful to enforce custom theme for highlighers that use the last loaded stylesheet e.g. highligherjs. Default is false.
google_analytics_tracking_id <string> Google analytics tracking id. If set in the config the tracking script will be added to the webpage.

CSS Options

The following theme options are used to style the look of the theme. For example to change the background color to gray:

html_theme_options = {
    'background_color': 'gray'
Option Default Description
document_font_size 16px the document font size
text_color #000000 text color
link_color #33658E link color
highlight_color #33658E link hover color
background_color white theme background color
navbar_color #70705C navbar background color. Not sure this is used.
header_link_color #AFAF92 navbar text color. Not sure this is used.
code_background_color #EFEFE1 source code background color